Mooresville Industrial Park Brings Opportunity to Morgan County
“What is your product?”
That query is usually at or near the top of the list of questions asked by those involved in expanding or relocating business operations. Thanks to the Mooresville Redevelopment Commission (RDC) and its development of Mooresville Industrial Park, Morgan County now has an answer to the question with a 100-acre product that will bring new manufacturing, jobs and capital to our landscape.
Mooresville Industrial Park’s development starts with a spec building construction project by MCEDC partner Runnebohm Construction. That project will be complemented by infrastructure improvements (roads, sanitary sewer, water and telecommunications) designed by MCEDC partner Banning Engineering to bring the area to market-ready standards. The RDC selected Runnebohm to build a 75,000 square-foot building that is expandable to 150,000 square feet, and as a result of this initial work, MCEDC has already engaged several prospects that have expressed interest in the spec building and other development acreage within the new industrial park. These contacts are from local companies that have been interested in expansion and new companies interested in locating into Morgan County that had been unable to find a site that would meet their needs. Because our previously depleted supply of development sites has been replenished, the market’s demand for space is already consuming our new product. Growth and change are imminent!
Mooresville Industrial Park benefits all of Morgan County. What’s good for Mooresville is good for all of our county’s communities and vice versa. Mooresville’s commitment to commercial and industrial development will send positive ripples through the Morgan County economy with higher wage opportunities for our workforce. (Are you aware that 40% of our workforce leaves Morgan County each day for employment?) The industrial park will increase property values resulting in additional tax revenues to pay for public services, it will create new opportunities for small businesses and not-for-profit organizations, and it will result in undoubted market pressure to increase our housing inventory so that more working families can reside here instead of commuting from and to other counties each day. MCEDC encourages community leaders to think beyond their municipal boundaries when investing in economic growth and to recognize local economic development as the extensive partnership that it is. As leaders, we want to demonstrate commitment that results in new opportunities for our constituents and neighbors. History indicates that, when we reinvest in ourselves, others want to invest in us. Shouldn’t this be a primary objective of economic development in Morgan County?
When you have a product to sell, the market will pay attention. If you don’t have a product to sell, the market will ignore you. This has been the case for several years in Morgan County – without an inventory of sites and capacities for economic development, our county has been the Indianapolis region’s growth laggard. Because of the work of many good people and organizations such as the Mooresville RDC, Morgan County’s product and capacities for growth are being developed. Let’s not be burdened by perspectives that would distract us from this moment. Growth and change are not only imminent but they are now occurring each day in Morgan County. Are you ready to capitalize the opportunity?